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2016-10-31   审核人:








1. 申请。需聘用外教来我校进行长期教学的单位(下称聘用单位)应根据本部门工作的实际需要,于每年十二月底前向对外合作与交流中心提出书面申请。申请内容包括:聘请外教的人数及其理由;外教的教学任务(教学科目、教学时数、教学对象等);外教的教学目标及其业务管理(教学要求、合作教师配备等)。

需聘请外教来我校进行短期交流、讲座等学术活动的部门, 应提前三个月向对外合作与交流中心提出书面申请。

2. 核准。对外合作与交流中心根据聘用部门的申请,结合学校年度发展计划,报分管校领导审核批准后实施招聘。

3. 招聘。我校坚持公开招聘、择优录用的方针。聘用单位可以充分利用本部门的人力资源和学术交流渠道,独立自主地选聘所需专业的外教;对外合作与交流中心应利用一切对外交流渠道,完成聘用部门聘请外教工作。

4. 签订合同。任教一学期以上(含一学期)的外教必须与学校签订聘用合同。合同内容由聘用部门草拟,对外合作与交流中心审核,由分管校领导代表学校与外教签订。









3、最高学历证明或专业资格证明复印件(经中国驻外使、领馆认证) 。












1. 外教应遵守中国的法律法规不得干涉中国内政和学校的内部管理。

2. 外教应尊重中国的宗教政策不得在学生中宣传自己的宗教信仰。

3. 外教应尊重中国人民的风俗习惯和道德规范。


1. 外教应自觉遵守课堂纪律,上课应当注意仪表,衣着整洁 不得穿拖鞋、背心上课,不得在课堂抽烟吃零食。

2. 外教应遵守教师职业道德,不得和学生谈恋爱或发生亲密关系。

3. 外教应接受学校的工作管理、业务指导、检查和评价。

4. 外教未经学校同意不得兼做与其在学校教学无关的业务。


1. 对于纪律涣散或不尊敬外教的学生,外教应向聘用单位相关负责人报告并建议采取措施,但不得对学生进行体罚侮辱,也不得以不上课作为惩罚手段。

2. 外教不得以任何形式向学生收取任何费用,不得强迫学生购买学校没有要求的教材或材料。


1. 外教应服从学校分配的教学任务和课程安排;除非学校分配的教学任务超出合同规定的工作量,任课教师不得拒绝接受。外教应按时完成工作任务,保证教学工作质量。

2. 外教代课,调课,请假应该遵守以下审批程序:

1) 按要求填写申请表;

2) 提前三天向其教学主管提出申请并得到批准;

3) 申请代课与请假还需得到外事主管部门负责人批准,申请调课应将申请表复印件送交对外合作与交流中心备案。


3. 以下情况,不予批准:

1) 占用工作时间旅游;

2) 做兼职或者从事其他与本校教学无关的业务活动;

3) 教学主管和外事主管认为不应当批准的其他情况。

4. 外教违反以上关于代课、调课或者请假的规定,学校对外合作交流中心在与外教所在聘用单位(教学主管部门)协商后,可以向该外教发出书面警告,并根据外教与学校签订的合同扣除课时费。

5. 外教无故迟到、早退两项累计超过三次,外教所在聘用单位(教学主管部门)应当向该外教提出书面警告并送交复印件给对外合作交流中心、教务处备案。


1) 不可抗力: 如火灾、交通事故、抢劫等原因导致外教不能准时上课的,但该外教有证明这些原因存在的义务;

2) 因为客观原因导致外教上课迟到的;

3) 学校要求推迟上课或提前下课的。


1. 外教应当在学校指定的公寓住宿。

2. 当外教入住时,应当查实清点学校配置的电器,家具和其他物品,并签收清单并缴纳押金,保证妥善保管这些物品;离校时,应通知对外合作与交流中心办理电器、家具和其他物品的清点和移交工作并领取退还的押金。

3. 外教要爱护公寓内设施,管好个人物品,注意防火、节水、节电,离开房间时,切断电视,空调,等家用电器的开关。

4. 学校提供的住房,作为外教在我校任教期间的宿舍,外教不得挪作他用,不得用于非法目的,不得从事赌博、色情、聚众酗酒等活动。

5. 外教在校住宿期间,必须自觉遵守校园作息制度,否则将予以处分。

6. 为了保证外教的安全,保证外教的休息时间,晚上十一点以后,外教不得在公寓内留宿外人;外教如有亲友来访,确实需要在公寓过夜的,应提前告知学校外事部门并得到批准。同时,外教应填写由对外合作与交流中心提供的申请表格并在亲友到来之前送交对外合作交流中心、保卫处备案。

7. 外教不得在公寓留宿学生过夜;为了保证外教的正常休息,晚上十一点以后,学生不得拜访外教。

8. 合同期满十日内必须离校。

9. 学校为每位外教提供一套一室一厅的住房,配备整套家具电器,自外教入住之日起,应妥善保管房间钥匙,不得私自配钥匙与转借他人,如钥匙遗失,应尽快与对外合作与交流处联系更换门锁。费用自理。外教应确保自己住房内设施的安全与完整,如有物品人为损坏或遗失,由外教本人承担赔偿责任。

10. 外教到任后,从外国语学院领取课程所需教材及备课用笔记本电脑并缴纳押金,离任前向外国语学院退还教材及笔记本电脑并领取退还的押金。












1. 外教一学期中因为违反本办法规定被书面警告三次或以上的,学校可以开除该外教。

2. 对于严重违反本办法规定的外教,学校可以不经过书面警告直接开除。

3. 被开除的外教,学校不提供本学期的机票补贴和假期旅游补贴。

4. 对于严重违反本办法或被开除的外教,学校保留通报政府机关和有关单位的权利。










Employment and Management Methods for Foreign Teachers (Professors) of Inner Mongolia Medical University

(Trial Implementation)


The Methods are specially made to regulate employment and management for foreign teachers (professors) (hereinafter referred to as “foreign teachers”) and to strengthen the introduction of foreign talents and to give full play to the role of foreign teachers in teaching and scientific research and to enhance school-running level, in accordance with relevant laws and regulations of China and related document spirit of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and in combination with actual situation of the school.

I. Employment of foreign teachers

(I) Employment principle

Employment of foreign teachers shall follow principles of preferential recruitment, making sure quality and paying attention to benefits.

(II) Employment procedures

1. Application. The relevant department in need of employing foreign teachers for long-term teaching (hereinafter referred to as “the Department”) shall submit a written application to Foreign Cooperation & Exchange Center before every December according to actual demand of the Department. The application content includes: number of foreign teachers and employment reasons; teaching task of foreign teachers (courses, hours and object); teaching objective and business management (teaching requirements and partnership teachers).

The department in need of employing foreign teachers for short-term exchange and lecture shall submit a written application to Foreign Cooperation & Exchange Center prior to three months.

2. Approval. Foreign Cooperation & Exchange Center shall implement recruitment after getting review and approval of school leaders in accordance with the application and in combination with annual development plan.

3. Employment. The school insists on open recruitment and merit basis. The department can make full use of human resources and academic exchange channels to recruit foreign teachers for required specialties independently; Foreign Cooperation & Exchange Center shall make all channels to complete recruitment work.

4. Contract signing. Those foreign teachers who teach more than one semester (including one semester) must sign employment contract with the school. Contract terms and conditions are made by the employment department and reviewed by Foreign Cooperation & Exchange Center and signed between school leaders and foreign teachers.

After expiration of the contract period, further employment is possible for those foreign teachers who work well and the employment department requires to retain them.

(III) Basic conditions required on foreign teachers

1. Foreign teachers shall observe the laws and regulations of the PRC and various rules of the schoolrespect Chinese's customs; be friendly and willing to cooperate; have higher professional skills, and the specialized field complies with actual demand of teaching and scientific research.

2. Foreign language teachers shall have at least Bachelor degree and more than two years of working experience or hold language teacher qualification certificate; have clear and fluent pronunciation, and their languages are native languages or official languages of their own countries. Foreign teachers in England, US, Canada and Australia are preferred. Specialized foreign teachers shall have at least Bachelor degree and more than 5 years of related working experience.

3. Under the age of 55, and it is acceptable with the age of 59 who had outstanding contribution in teaching and scientific research; be in good health and with no bad habits.

(IV) Material provided by foreign teachers

1. Valid passport copies.

2. Resume. It includes name, gender, nationality, date of birth, birthplace, marital status, study experience, working experience, detailed family address, telephone, fax and E-mail.

3. Top qualification certificate or professional qualification certificate copies (certified by Chinese embassies (consulates)).

4. Recent health certificate copy (health certificate issued by Chinese embassies (consulates) certified foreign health and medical institution or health and quarantine department specified by the Government of China).

5. Personal insurance and medical insurance certificate purchased by foreign teachers in their own countries.

6. Non-Criminal Certificate issued by public security sectors in their own countries.

7. Recommendation letter issued by relevant departments.

8. 8 passport-sized photos (1-inch).

(V) Procedures to employ foreign teachers

1. After foreign teachers are determined initially, the employment department shall report relevant information to Foreign Cooperation & Exchange Center timely.

2. Before entry of foreign teachers, Foreign Cooperation & Exchange Center shall handle Foreign Experts Work Permit and Invitation Letter from Authorized Organization.

3. After entry of foreign teachers, security office will go to local police station to register temporary residence; partnership teachers assist foreign teachers to take heath examination and obtain health certificate; Foreign Cooperation & Exchange Center is responsible for handling Foreign Expert Certificate, Residence Permit for Foreigners and employment contract.

II. Code of conduct for foreign teachers

(I) Laws and regulations and school rules

1. Foreign teachers shall abide by Chinese laws and regulations, and shall not interfere in Chinese internal matters and internal management of the school.

2. Foreign teachers shall respect Chinese religious policy and shall not promote their own religious faith for students.

3. Foreign teachers shall respect Chinese people’s customs and moral standard.

(II) Class and teaching

1. Foreign teachers shall obey the class discipline voluntarily and dress properly in the class; shall not go to class wearing slippers and waistcoat and smoke and eat snacks in the class.

2. Foreign teachers shall observe teachers' professional ethics, and shall not fall in love or have any intimate relationships with students.

3. Foreign teachers shall accept the school's management, professional guidance, check and assessment.

4. Foreign teachers shall not do any work that is irrelevant to teaching without permission.

(III) Students

1. Foreign teachers shall report those students who lack of discipline or show disrespect to the person in charge and suggest to take measures, but they shall not carry out corporal punishment and insult, or take no teaching as punishment.

2. Foreign teachers shall not charge any fee from students in any way, and force students to buy textbooks or materials not required by the school.

(IV) Teaching, substitution, adjustment, leaving, being late and leaving early

1. Foreign teachers shall follow teaching task and course arrangement distributed by the school; unless teaching task distributed by the school exceeds workload specified in the contract, course teachers shall not refuse to accept. Foreign teachers shall complete work task on time and make sure teaching quality and quantity.

2. Substitution, adjustment and asking for leave shall follow the following approval procedures:

1) Fill in application form as required;

2) Submit application and get approval from teaching program director prior to three days;

3) Substitution and leaving application shall be approved by foreign affairs department head, and the applying adjustment, application form copy shall be submitted to Foreign Cooperation & Exchange Center for filing.

If foreign teachers fail to submit written application in advance due to emergency, they shall apply orally and get approval from teaching program director, and supplement written application form within one week and follow the above procedures for approval and filing.

3. Approval will not be given under the following conditions:

1) Go on a journey during working time;

2) Do a part-time job or engage in other activities that are irrelevant to teaching;  

3) Other conditions that teaching program director and foreign affairs header consider not to approve.

4. If foreign teachers violate above provisions on substation, adjustment or asking for leave, Foreign Cooperation & Exchange Center will send written warning to the foreign teachers after consultation with competent teaching department in the School, and deduct class fee according to the contract between both parties.

5. If foreign teachers are late or ask for leave early without reasons for more than three times, the competent teaching department shall send written warning to foreign teachers and submit copies to Foreign Cooperation & Exchange Center and dean’s office for filing.

Written warning will not be given due to the following reasons:

1) Force majeure: foreign teachers fail to have class on time due to force majeure, such as fire, traffic accident and robbery, but they have obligation to prove reasons’ existence;

2) Be late for class due to objective reasons;

3) Class delay or dismissing early required by the school.

III. Accommodation management regulations

1. Foreign teachers shall live in the apartments specified by the school.

2. Before foreign teachers live in, check electric appliances, furniture and other items provided by the school, and sign checklist and pay deposit, and guarantee to keep these items properly; before leaving school, inform Foreign Cooperation & Exchange Center to check checklist and hand over works and get deposit returned.

3. Foreign teachers shall take care of facilities and keep personnel items properly, pay attention to fire prevention, water and electricity saving; before leaving the room, cut off the switches of household appliances such as TV and air conditioner.  

4. The housing provided by the school is served as dormitory of foreign teachers, and shall not be used for other purposes, including illegal propose; they shall not engage in gambling, eroticism and alcoholism activities.

5. Foreign teachers must obey working and resting regulations on campus voluntarily during accommodation, otherwise, will be punished.

6. In order to guarantee the safety and rest time of foreign teachers, foreign teachers shall not put up guests in the apartment after 11:00 PM; if it really requires to stay overnight when relatives and friends visit, they shall inform foreign affairs department in advance and get approval. Meanwhile, foreign teachers shall fill in the form from Foreign Cooperation & Exchange Center and deliver to Foreign Cooperation & Exchange Center and security office for filing before arrival of relatives and friends.  

7. Foreign teachers shall not put up students overnight in the apartment; in order to guarantee normal rest of foreign teachers, students shall not visit them after 11:00 PM.

8. Foreign teachers must leave the school within ten days before the expiration date of the contract.

9. One-bedroom house is provided for the foreign teacher each, where is equipped with a complete set of furniture appliances. Foreign teachers shall keep room keys properly since moving in, and shall not make a key or lent to others privately. If keys are lost, contact with Foreign Cooperation & Exchange Center timely to replace door locks, and the expenses are borne by their own. Foreign teachers shall make sure facilities’ safety and completeness, if items are man-made damaged or lost, the foreign teacher shall assume compensation liability.

10. Since arrival of foreign teachers, they shall get required textbooks and laptop for preparing class from School of Foreign Languages and pay deposit; before leaving, they shall return textbooks and laptop and get the deposit.

IV Remuneration and taxes

(I) Salary

1. Payable salary for foreign teachers is determined according to relevant provisions of national assignment system and relevant regulations on foreign experts’ salary from Foreign Expert Bureau.

2. If foreign teachers damage the property due to violation of the school’s rules and regulations, or bear economic punishment due to violation of employment’s rules and system, or shall pay liquidated damages and due to violation of the management methods, the school has right to deduct from the salary.

(II) Individual income tax

1. Foreign teachers have obligation to declare and pay individual income tax, and the school will withhold and remit tax from the salary or other remuneration in accordance with relevant provisions.

2. Unless otherwise agreed by both parties, foreign teachers’ salary in the contract is salary including tax and other remuneration.

1. The school will cover personal accident insurance and medical insurance for foreign teachers since the arrival.

2. After the contract between both parties expires, the employment relationship is terminated, and the school will not bear any liability for them.

3. Foreign teachers shall enjoy legal holidays in China, and we give every foreign teacher RMB 1100 Yuan as traveling subsidies for winter and summer vacation during employment period, and travel expenses are borne by his/her own. Foreign teachers shall report travel destination and schedule to the office in advance.

V. Responsibilities for violating the Methods

1. The school has right to dismiss those foreign teachers who are given a written warning for three times or above due to violation of the Methods in a semester.

2. The school has right to dismiss those foreign teachers who violate seriously the Methods without written warning.

3. The school will not provide air ticket and vacation subsidiary of the semester for those who are dismissed.

4. The school reserves the right of notification government agency and relevant organizations for those who seriously violate the Methods or are dismissed.

Foreign Cooperation & Exchange Center is responsible for interpretation of the Methods.




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